Which Business Is The Right Business?
Copyright © Terrence Sanders
Hello ALL!
We have all heard the saying that "not all MLM's are the same." That is totally true. There are some MLM businesses that make absolutely no sense at all. ( I will refrain from mentioning any names, just trust your gut.) I have to clarify that statement just a little; they make no sense at all TO ME!The difference in those 2 statements is subtle but poignant. Just because I may or may not understand a particular opportunities value, doesn’t necessarily mean that there is no value. Again, you have to trust your gut.
What always amazes me is when people come to me and tell me; “I join x program and nothing happened”. I would ask the normal questions; “what was the program?”, “how much work did you put into it?” and most importantly “did you understand the program?”
The answers I would get are baffling to me! I would hear “I’m not sure what the program was”, “I did what they suggested I do for a week” and the kicker “I’m not sure about how all of this works”! I need not go any further on why this person had it rough! If this is you who is reading this and you have signed up for some program that you don’t understand, DON’T EMAIL ME WITH YOUR QUESTIONS! I’m just going to hurt your feelings. Here is the only advice I can give to you….
Keep your money and invest FIRST in a book on time management, business plans, Affiliate marketing, Internet marketing, and sales. Then explore the different offerings out there and STILL hang on to your money until you find an opportunity that speaks to you.
THEN (oh yeah, there’s more!) READ, READ, READ, and read everything that the biz-op has to offer. You want to know the nature of the op. (what do they do? Do they have a product or are you just trying to get people to sign up below you?) How you get paid, why you are getting paid, how much you are getting paid, when you are getting paid and what your pay is contingent upon. If you belong to a matrix you have to understand that process.
After you have done your due diligence, it is time to ask yourself weather the opportunity “speaks to you”. Is it something that you can get behind with excitement? Would you be proud to share it with your friends and family? This is very important because if you are constantly fighting off the thought that you yourself may be getting scammed, then how good of a pitch person do you think you’ll be? I mean, why would you promote something that is a scam? You HAVE to run an ethical and legal business.
Lastly, you are going to have to spend some money! Let me say that again, YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO SPEND SOME MONEY! Yes there are some free ways to promote your business. Yes there are some biz-ops that are free to join, Yes there are programs where you don’t have to buy and warehouse product.
I will use the following equation to illustrate a point
FA=GTC (Look out Einstein!)
FREE ANYTHING = Greater Time Commitment
Think about it….If you have to travel 2 miles to go to a x-mas party you could walk for free. You could get there faster if you took the bus but that’s going to cost you $1. You could get there even faster if you take a cab. That’s going to cost you $10 or you could rent a car the day before and drive yourself to the party which will get you there even faster because you don’t have to wait for the cab to show up at your home. That is going to cost you $100! You could buy your own car for the party and….. I think you get the point. This brings me to the next equation;
Money Spent Wisely = More Free Time.
If you have your own car (continuing with the above analogy) you will have more free time to get all gussied up for the party! (Unless you bought a Ferrari that you can barely afford and you are constantly working so that you can make the car note. In that situation, you’ll NEVER have ANY free time and…. Sorry, I digress!)
The point is simple. For your business to be successful, you will have to choose wisely how to best spend your hard earned dollars. Just know this; YOU WILL PAY ONE WAY OR ANOTHER; Either money or time. And there are many who will tell you that T=M!
About the Author: Terry Sanders is a 10 year MLM Veteran. He Currently Runs 10 successful Online Businesses. He has extensive Online marketing experience that he brings from the world of Real Estate; Both as an investor and as an agent. The Pro Profit Team is responsible for 20 of it's members presence on the leader boards of several online businesses.
To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit: http://tboner1.payitforward4profits.com-----------------------------------------------------------------
Me And My Best Friend

A Day At The Office!
Sunday, December 3, 2006
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